Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 Debut Author Challenge

Thanks to my good friend and super-blogger Brooke Johnson, I have recently found out about this really spectacular event. It's called the 2011 Debut Author Challenge, which is hosted by The Story Siren. As I am one who definitely supports new authors, I decided to give it a go.

The objective is to read at least twelve young adult or middle school level books by the end of 2011. They must be a debut release for the author, and be released within the year. After reading each book, you're supposed to review it (via posting about it on your blog and whatnot).

So, here is my list for this up-and-coming review-fest:

Eilis O'Neal; The False Princess (1/25/2011 EgmontUSA)

February- Elsbeth Edgar; The Visconti House (2/22/2011 Candlewick)

March- Ryan G. Van Cleave; Unlocked (3/1/2011 Walker Books for Young Readers)

April- Lucy Jago; The Coven's Daughter (4/19/2011 Hyperion Book)

May- Jessi Kirby; Moonglass (5/3/2011 Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing)

June- Melanie Welsh; Mistress of the Storm (6/14/2011 David Fickling Books)

July- Michelle Ray; Falling for Hamlet (7/5/2011 Poppy)

August- Sara Grant; Dark Parties (8/3/2011 Little Brown Books for Young Readers)

September- Kiki Hamilton; The Faerie Ring (TBA Tor Books)

October- Alex Epstein; The Circle Cast: The Lost Years of Morgan le Fay (10/1/2011 Tradewinds)

November- Rae Carson; The Girl of Fire and Thorns (TBA Greenwillow)

December- Mary Lindsey; Shattered Souls (12/8/2011 Penguin/Philomel)

I might add a few extras in there, between gaps in releases, so be on the lookout for updates! And as always, fair travelers of the digital infrastructure, stay safe in your journeys.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quick blurb during the holidays.

Just wanted to let everyone out there in cyberspace know I wish them the happiest of all their revered holidays. Since there are too many to really list, please use the following template in my stead.

Dear ____________, I wish you the best ______________ that you've ever had. I hope that you receive the _____________ that you wanted, you ate plenty of helpings of _________________ and spent as much time with ______________________ as you could. May this be the perfect closing of your year, and brighter days be ahead for you. Love, Katy.

Also, the lovely Brooke Johnson is having a holiday contest over at Brookenomicon. It's totally worth checking out. Plus, her non-contest blogs are very compelling and insightful for those of us who hope to ever become real writers. Please drop by and pay her a visit.

Have a safe trip out there in those tubes and drive carefully out in the real world. This time of year does tend to get a bit crazy on the roads.